
Welcome to P1.
Our teacher is called Mrs Molloy-O'Dowd and our learning support assistants are Miss Harkin and Miss Duddy
Our Breakfast Club runs from 8.30am and costs 60p
Our teacher loves to see us coming into class. We say "Good morning" to our teacher. We then say our prayers and teacher tells us what we will be doing at school. We have settled in so well and Mrs Molloy-O'Dowd is very proud of us. We are learning good manners, sharing and taking turns. We have breaktime at 10.30am where we play in our lovely, spacious playground.
We bring in a piece of fruit and a drink of milk/water for breaktime.
This month our topic is 'All about me'. We are having so much fun learning each other's names and finding out about each other.
When school is over at 2.30pm we will meet our parents on the playground.
Contact Details
Please direct any P1 questions/queries to: smolloyodowd991@c2kni.net.
We will endeavour to provide a response by 3pm the following working day
First Day at School
Settling into Primary 1

P1 'Home Learning'
Class Newsletter
Nazareth House Primary School and Nursery Unit, Bishop Street, Derry, BT48 6UN | Telephone: 028 71280212